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FOR HIM: Improving Sexual Wellness
FOR HIM: Improving Sexual Wellness
Erectile dysfunction affects more than 52% of all men between the ages of 40-70.  It is usually a vascular disease which, like heart attacks and strokes, increases in incidence with age. It is caused by the inability of the body to deliver enough blood to the penis to keep it in an engorged, erect state. This, in turn, is caused by restricted flow in the artery that supplies the penis.

Fortunately, two quick, non-surgical, in-office procedures can make erectile dysfunction a concern of the past: Low-intensity shockwave therapy (LiSWT) and the Priapus-Shot (‘P-Shot’).

Low-intensity shockwave therapy is a modern physiotherapy treatment for erectile dysfunction that has been hailed as the first successful alternative to Viagra. Painless acoustic shock waves “shock” the blood vessels of the penis into producing growth factors. This results in the regeneration of blood vessels in the penis, improved blood flow and stronger erections. In studies, LiSWT has been demonstrated to have a 70%-90% success rate in treating erectile dysfunction, including Peyronie’s Disease (curvature) of the penis.  This 20-minute therapy improves erections, blood flow and sensitivity by
     • boosting collagen fiber production,
     • clearing micro-plague out of blood vessels,
     • repairing aged blood vessels, and
     • stimulating the growth of new blood vessels.
For optimal, long-lasting results, we recommend 12 sessions – 2 sessions per week. Typically, first results can be noticed within days and final results after 3-4 weeks.
The Priapus Shot or ‘P-Shot’ is an all-natural treatment that uses your body’s own repair cells to rejuvenate and heal penile tissue. After a quick blood draw, growth factors in your own blood are isolated, activated and then delivered back into the penile tissue. It is a breakthrough, clinically-proven, safe and effective procedure that helps increase penis size, sexual performance and overall sexual wellness, without the use of drugs or surgery.

Although each man’s experience varies, benefits of the P-Shot include:
     • Up to 90% improvement of erectile dysfunction
     • Healthier, more youthful organ
     • Increased girth and length due to improved blood flow
     • Repair of tissue damage caused by prostate cancer or diabetes
     • Increased sensitivity and pleasure
     • Minimal to no discomfort
     • No Recovery Time

Studies have shown that about 76% of erectile dysfunction symptoms improve after just one P-Shot. 84% are thrilled after their second one. It takes about 6 weeks after a P-shot to notice the full effect. If multiple P-Shots are needed, they are typically spaced 8-12 weeks apart.
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