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Hormonal Imbalances in Your Twenties | Hormone Imbalance Treatment in Bangkok
Hormonal Imbalances in Your Twenties | Hormone Imbalance Treatment in Bangkok
Life in your twenties is full of fun, food, and, for most, good health. What you may not realize is that hormonal imbalances can happen to women, even in your twenties. Hormones are responsible for many of our body’s important functions, like mood, metabolism, sexual health, and so much more. Just because you’re young, it doesn’t mean your hormones are always in balance. In fact, many young women suffer from the effects of hormonal imbalance without even knowing it. Here’s what you need to know about your hormones, from a leading provider of hormone imbalance treatment in Bangkok, VitalLife
As a young woman, your body relies on many hormones to direct important bodily functions, and when they become imbalanced – meaning you have too much or too little of a certain hormone – you will experience many disruptions in your health. Hormonal imbalances can play a role in anything from an unregulated monthly cycle, to fertility issues, to mood swings, and more. Due to your age, you might not recognize that these symptoms are the result of hormonal imbalances, and leave the condition untreated. The major hormones young women’s bodies rely on include:
  • Estrogen – This hormone is the primary female sex hormone and plays an important role in regulating your cycle.
  • Progesterone – In addition to helping regulate your cycle and fertility, progesterone is also a crucial hormone in early pregnancies.
  • Cortisol – Cortisol is an important stress hormone that helps regulate your body’s immune system and sugar levels to allow you to adequately respond to stressors. However, if it remains elevated over a long period of time, it can be damaging to your body. 
  • Thyroid Hormones – These hormones are perhaps some of the body’s most important, as they regulate crucial functions like breathing, heart rate, body temperature, and metabolism. 

In young women particularly, hormones cycle on a monthly basis in conjunction with your menstrual cycle. These changes can affect everything from appetite to mood. While changes in hormone levels are common, some of these changes can be too drastic, causing irregular cycles and out-of-the-ordinary mood swings. Furthermore, imbalanced hormones can contribute to unwanted weight gain, skin blemishes, and low energy levels. 

Hormone production can be regulated by living a healthy lifestyle, including getting adequate rest, eating a balanced diet, and managing stress. But for some, these changes aren’t enough. If you suspect your body is suffering from a hormonal imbalance, the best thing you can do is get your levels checked. Here at VitalLife, we offer hormone testing to help you determine whether or not your body is producing the right amount of hormones at the right time. 

Hormone Imbalance Treatment in Bangkok
If we determine that your body’s hormone levels are out of balance, we will work with you one-on-one to recommend lifestyle changes, supplementation, or bio-identical hormone replacement therapy to get you back in balance. Together, we’ll make sure that your body has the appropriate hormones so that your health, sleep, metabolism, and other bodily systems are working together to promote your health and well-being. 

The first step is to contact us to set up your hormone testing appointment. From there, we’ll work with you to determine what your body needs to ensure that your twenties are filled with fun and adventure. Let’s get started! 

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